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Singapore can do well in uncertain times: PM Lee

05 Jan 2017 < 1 min read

The world is in flux and these are uncertain times. However, Singapore will pull through because of the spirit and resilience of its people said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his New Year message.

Looking back, Mr Lee noted that 2016 has been a full year for Singapore – with a focus on the economy. Prime Minister Lee said Singapore’s economy is expected to grow at a slower rate, and assured employers and workers that the Government is watching the economy closely.

To make adjustments to the new environment, Mr Lee said schemes such as Adapt and Grow have been launched to help professionals cope with the change. “Working with business groups and unions, we are developing Industry Transformation Maps tailored for different industries. The Committee on the Future Economy is working on longer term strategies for growth, and will publish its recommendations in a few weeks’ time,” he added.

In addition, Mr Lee said he is looking forward to Singapore having a Malay Head of State since its first president, Yusof Ishak. This comes after amendments were made to the Elected Presidency last year, which includes a safeguard that ensures Singapore regularly elect Presidents from the different ethnic groups.

Citing the achievements and success stories of Singaporeans like Joseph Schooling and Yip Pin Xiu, Mr Lee said these are testimonies that Singapore can continue to do well despite the uncertain times. “With this enduring spirit, we will make Singapore a better and happier home for ourselves and for our next generation,” he concluded.

Read PM Lee’s New Year message in full.

Photo credit: PM Lee’s Facebook