What are the main issues that residents bring up during Meet the People Sessions.
Plenty, it seems!
Housing is one of the main issues raised at MPS, and Minister for National Development and Second Minister for Finance, Mr Lawrence Wong, explained the policy considerations behind the issues concerned to about 100 activists at the PAP Policy Forum’s (PPF) first dialogue session of the year at PAP HQ on Friday, 12 January 2018.
Mr Wong who is also PPF’s First Advisor, answered several questions raised by activists said the session will allow activists to learn and improve the process and better help residents. He also said it was important that policy considerations are explained clearly to residents, and that the issues at MPS raised are tempered with a human touch to ease the residents’ difficulties and to resolve the situation at hand.
Activists who attended the session said the gathering was a good learning and familiarisation session. They also said it helped them understand the rationale behind policies, and practical avenues available to assist residents.