The name of the Party shall be the People’s Action Party (hereinafter called “the Party”).
The name of the Party shall be the People’s Action Party (hereinafter called “the Party”).
The Party shall be a national movement dedicated to serving our nation and advancing the well-being of our people. Towards this end, the Party’s objectives are: –
(a) To preserve, protect and defend the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Singapore.
(b) To safeguard the freedom, and advance the well-being, of Singaporeans through representative and democratic government.
(c) To uphold a multi-racial and multi-religious society, where people of diverse backgrounds and beliefs live harmoniously together as fellow citizens, and deepen our national identity and commitment to Singapore;
(d) To sustain a vibrant economy which creates good jobs and better lives for all, and enables every Singaporean to achieve their full potential;
(e) To build a fair and just society, which encourages individual effort and family responsibility, while ensuring community and government support for the vulnerable and less fortunate;
(f) To strengthen an open and compassionate meritocracy, with opportunities for Singaporeans to develop skills in diverse fields, active support for those who start off with less, and ladders to success at every stage of life;
(g) To develop a democracy of deeds, where citizenship embodies both rights and duties, and nurtures a sense of collective responsibility and community action;
(h) To represent and serve all Singaporeans responsively and responsibly, attentive to immediate concerns, focussed on long-term challenges and opportunities, and governing with integrity and honesty.
1. Election of Members
(a) Every member shall be loyal to Singapore and shall uphold the Constitution of the Republic.
(b) Every member must accept and conform to the Constitution, programmes, principles and policy of the Party.
(c) Application for membership shall be made in writing to the Secretary-General of the Party and shall be considered by the Central Executive Committee, provided that the Central Executive Committee shall have the power to delegate its functions under this Article to such Committee or officials as it deems fit.
(d) It shall be the duty of the Central Executive Committee in exercising its powers of election to consider carefully the suitability of the applicant for admission as a member, having regard to the Objectives of the Party,
(e) An applicant shall be elected if a simple majority of the members of the Central Executive Committee present at the Committee meeting at which the election of the applicant is considered, vote in favour of his election.
(f) The Central Executive Committee may reject any application without assigning any reason therefore and its decision shall be final until revised by the Ordinary Party Conference.
(g) In the event of any applicant being refused election by the Central Executive Committee, any two cadre members may propose and second a resolution in accordance with Article V at the subsequent Ordinary Party Conference that such applicant be elected, and if such resolution is carried by a majority of the cadre members present and voting, such applicant shall be deemed to be duly elected.
(h) Upon the election of a member, notice in writing thereof shall be given to him, and he shall be furnished with a copy of the Constitution of the Party and a request to pay to the Treasurer within fourteen days from the date of such request, the amount of his first subscription. Upon payment of his subscription but not before, he shall become a member of the Party, and be bound by the Constitution.
(i) If the first subscription is not paid within 14 days from the date of such request as aforesaid, the election of such member shall be void, unless he shall satisfy the Central Executive Committee that the delay in payment was due to a sufficient cause.
(j) All members shall have the right to attend Party congresses.
(k) Members who have proved their loyalty and service to the principles and objectives of the Party and members who, in the opinion of the Central Executive Committee, are fit and proper persons, shall be eligible for appointment as cadre members.
(l) The appointment of members to cadre members shall be made by the Central Executive Committee,
(m) A member shall be appointed cadre member if a simple majority of the members of the Central Executive Committee meeting at which his appointment is considered vote in favour of his appointment.
(n) Cadre members shall have the right to attend Party conferences and to vote for and elect and to be elected to the Central Executive Committee.
(o) Any cadre member who is absent for two consecutive Party conferences without having given prior notice may have his cadre membership terminated by the Central Executive Committee. Before taking a decision, the Central Executive Committee shall send the member a written notice by AR Registered Mail (or its equivalent) requesting him to submit his’ explanation for such absence and the Committee shall give due consideration to his explanation. A member whose cadre membership is thus terminated shall, however, continue to be an ordinary member.
2. Subscription
(a) The annual subscription for a Member shall be $9/- or such other sum as the Central Executive Committee may from time to time prescribe.
(b) All annual subscriptions (except the first subscription of a new member as provided by Article IV 1. (h) shall be payable in the first month of each financial year.
(c) If any member shall fail to pay his subscription within two months of such subscription becoming due, written notice shall be sent to him by AR Registered Mail (or its equivalent) calling his attention thereto, and if he does not pay the amount within two months from the posting of such notice, the Central Executive Committee may delete his name from the membership of the Party. But if at any time he, shall give to the Central Executive Committee a satisfactory explanation, he may, at the discretion of the Central Executive Committee, and upon payment of all arrears, be re-admitted to membership.
3. Resignation of member
Any member may resign his membership by giving to the Secretary-General one month’s notice in writing to that effect, provided that any member giving such notice shall be liable to pay his subscription up to and including the current year in which such notice is given.
4. Discipline
It shall be the duty of the Central Executive Committee if at any time it shall be of the opinion that the interests of the Party so require, to consider the question of the suspension or expulsion of any member or demotion of any cadre member at a special committee meeting convened for that purpose. Such member shall be given by AR Registered Mall (or its equivalent) notice in writing of such meeting and shall be informed in such notice that he may offer a written explanation or an explanation of his conduct to such meeting in person. If at such meeting, after considering the explanation offered, two-thirds of the members of the Central Executive Committee present and voting for his suspension, demotion or expulsion, he shall thereupon be suspended for such period as the Committee may specify or cease to be a member or a cadre member as the case may be of the Party. An expelled member shall have the right of appeal to the Ordinary Party Conference.
1. The work of the Party shall be under the direction and control of the Party Conference, such a conference being called the Ordinary Party Conference. The Ordinary Party Conference shall be held once every two years or at such later date being not later than twenty-six [26] months after the last preceding Ordinary Party Conference as the Central Executive Committee may determine. The Ordinary Party Conference may also be held at such other times as it may be convened by the Central Executive Committee or at the requisition of at least ten per cent of the cadre membership.
2. The quorum for a Party Conference shall be at least one tenth of the total number of cadre members of the Party. In the event of there being no quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned for thirty minutes. On the meeting being reconvened after the adjournment should the cadre members present be still less than one-tenth the total number of cadre members of the Party, those present shall form a quorum.
3. The date, time and place of all Party Conferences shall be fixed by the Central Executive Committee.
4. The Business at the Ordinary Party Conference shall be: –
(a) to pass the minutes of the, previous Party Conference;
(b) to receive from the Central Executive Committee a Report, covering the work and progress of the Party during its term of office together with a financial statement;
(c) to elect the Central Executive Committee and to appoint auditors until the next Ordinary Party Conference;
(d) to decide on any resolutions which may be duly submitted to the Ordinary Party Conference as provided in Clause (6) of this Article;
(e) to decide what measures shall be taken in the furtherance of the Party aims;
(f) to transact any other. business or resolutions approved by the Central Executive Committee.
5. At least one calendar month before the date fixed for the Ordinary Party Conference, the Secretary-General shall inform all cadre members in writing of the date fixed for the Ordinary Party Conference, and draw their attention to Clause (6) below.
6. Any cadre member desirous of moving any resolution at the Ordinary Party Conference shall give notice thereof in writing to the Secretary-General not less than two weeks before the date of the Ordinary Party Conference, provided that such notice shall contain the names and signatures of cadre members in support of the resolution constituting at least five, per cent of the cadre membership.
7. The Central Executive Committee may at any time for any special reason or on requisition of at least ten per cent of the cadre membership call a Special Party Conference.
8. Notice summoning a Special Party Conference shall be sent to cadre members not less than seven days before, the date fixed for the Special Party Conference and shall state the subject or subjects to be discussed at the Conference. No other subject may be discussed at the Special Party Conference.
9. At least fourteen days before the Ordinary Party Conference or seven days before a Special Party Conference, the Secretary-General shall notify all cadre members of the business to be transacted. In the case of Ordinary Party Conference such notice shall include the Central Executive Committee’s Report, the Financial Statement of Accounts during its term of office, and any resolutions which cadre members have indicated their intention of proposing under Clause (6) of this Article.
10. At any Party Conference, the Chairman of the Party and in his absence the Vice-Chairman, or if he is also absent, then any member of the Central Executive Committee appointed by the Committee shall take the Chair. Every cadre member shall be entitled to one vote upon any motion. Each resolution shall be passed by a majority of votes cast and, in case of an equality of votes, the resolution shall be declared to be lost.
11. At any Party Conference a resolution put to the vote of the Conference shall be decided by a show of hands unless a ballot is demanded by any cadre member upon or immediately following a declaration by the Chairman of the results of the vote on the resolution by a show of hands. Unless a ballot is so demanded, a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has on a show of hands been carried or lost shall be conclusive evidence of the fact. The demand for a ballot may be withdrawn. There shall be no voting by proxy.
12. The Ordinary Party Conference may be adjourned from time to time till the business of the Conference is concluded.
1. Whenever the Central Executive, Committee deems it necessary, it may convene a Party Congress at such time and with such agenda as the Central Executive Committee shall determine.
2. At least three weeks before the date fixed for a Party Congress the Secretary-General shall inform all members in writing of the date fixed for the Party Congress.
3. At least one week before the Party Congress the Secretary-General shall notify all members of the business to be transacted.
(a) The Central Executive Committee shall consist of not more than eighteen [18] members of whom twelve [12] shall be elected at the Ordinary Party Conference and shall hold office until the conclusion of the following Ordinary Party Conference. They shall be eligible for re-election. The Central Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt not more than six members to the Central Executive Committee who shall hold office until the conclusion of the following Ordinary Party Conference.
(b) The Central Executive Committee shall elect, from amongst its members, the office bearers for the posts of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary-General, Assistant Secretary-General, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and such other posts as it deems necessary to establish.
2. The first Executive Committee was co-opted by the Convenors on the adoption of this Constitution, and the inaugural meeting of this Party at which this Constitution was first adopted shall be deemed to be the first Annual Conference of the Party.
3. Duties of the Central Executive Committee.
The duties of the Central Executive Committee shall include the following: –
(a) To present to the Ordinary Party Conference a Report covering the work and progress of the Party during its term of office, together with a Financial Statement and Accounts duly audited.
(b) To propose to the Ordinary Party Conference, such amendments to the Constitution as may be, deemed desirable and to submit to the Ordinary Party Conference such resolutions and declarations as in its view may be necessitated by political circumstances.
(c) To organise and maintain a Fund to finance elections and to spread among the people the aims and ideals of the Party.
(d) To enforce the Constitution of the Party and promote its aims and to take any action it deems necessary for such purpose.
(e) To establish branches in Singapore for such district at such times and with such constitution and standing orders as it shall deem proper. It shall at all times guide and control the work of the Branches in accordance with the policies laid down by the Party Conference and the objectives of the Party.
(f) To make such Rules as it considers necessary for the proper administration and discipline of the Party.
4. Powers of the Central Executive Committee.
(a) The Chairman.
The Chairman shall have the right to call meetings of the Central Executive Committee.
(b) All duties, powers and responsibilities of the Chairman of the Party shall, in his absence, devolve upon the Vice-Chairman or a Chairman elected by the Central Executive Committee.
(c) The Secretary-General.
(i) The Secretary-General of the, Party shall be responsible for summoning the Ordinary Party Conference and any Special Party Conference and any Party Congress and all meetings of the Central Executive Committee.
(ii) He shall conduct its correspondence under the’ directions of the Central Executive Committee and shall keep a register of members.
(iii) He shall keep all members fully informed of all important activities of the Central Executive Committee. He shall keep minutes of the Ordinary Party Conference, and any special minutes of the Ordinary Party Conference, and of any Special Party Conference and of the meetings of the Central Executive Committee.
(iv) At least one calendar month before the date fixed for the Ordinary Party Conference, the Secretary-General shall inform cadre members in writing of the date fixed for the Ordinary Party Conference, and draw their attention to Article V (6).
(v) The Assistant Secretary-General shall assist the Secretary-General in the discharge of his duties, powers and responsibilities and in the absence of the Secretary-General shall act in his place.
(d) The Treasurer.
(i) The Treasurer shall be responsible for all the funds of the Party and shall issue receipts for all payments made to the Party.
(ii) Notice shall be given by the Treasurer to all members whose subscriptions are in arrears.
(iii) The Treasurer shall open such a banking account as the Central Executive Committee may direct and shall deposit therein all monies received by him on behalf of the Party.
(iv) All cheques and other financial instruments shall be duly signed by the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer and one of two other signatories authorised by the Central Executive Committee.
(v) The Treasurer shall be responsible for drawing up the Financial Statement and Accounts. for presentation to the Ordinary Party Conference.
(vi) The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in the discharge of his duties, powers and responsibilities and in the absence of the Treasurer shall act in his place.
(e) The Central Executive Committee.
(i) The Committee shall have power to appoint a member to fill any vacancy on the Committee until the next Ordinary Party Conference.
(ii) The Committee shall have power to appoint sub-committees with powers to co-opt. Such subcommittees shall be responsible to the Committee.
(iii) The Committee shall meet as and when necessary to arrange the affairs of the Party, and whenever necessary to examine the account books and Party records. More than fifty per cent of Central Executive Committee members at a properly convened meeting of the Committee shall form a quorum. Minutes shall be kept of all the proceedings of the Committee.
(iv) The Committee shall have power to appoint, pay and dismiss staff employed by the Party.
(v) The Committee shall have power to purchase, take on lease or in exchange, license, hire or otherwise, acquire, movable or immovable property of any kind in furtherance of the objectives of the Party and to sell, exchange, lease, license or otherwise dispose of any movable or immovable property or interest thereon on such terms as may be considered expedient and subject to Clause (5) below.
(vi) The Committee shall be empowered to borrow for the purposes of the Party such amount of money either at one time or from time to time and at such rate of interest and in such form and manner and upon such security as shall be specified in any resolution passed by the Central Executive Committee to borrow money as aforesaid, and thereupon the Central Executive Committee shall direct the Trustees to enter into such agreements for the above purpose and to give such security as may be necessary.
(vii) The Committee shall have power to build, construct, improve, develop and maintain any property necessary or convenient for the purposes and objectives of the Party,
(viii) The Committee shall have power to sign and execute all deeds, documents and other instruments of every nature and kind whatsoever for carrying out the purposes of the Party.
(ix) The Committee shall have power to accept, undertake or execute any trust or gift which may be deemed to be in accordance with or which may further or benefit the objectives of the Party or any of them.
(x) The Committee shall have power to appoint in accordance with Clause (5) below, members of the Party or a Trust Corporation as Trustees of the Party for such time as it deems fit.
(xi) The Committee shall have the power to so appoint, discharge and direct such Trustees or Trust Corporation to do all such acts and things as the Trustees or Trust Corporation may be empowered by Clause (5) below to do.
5. Trustees.
(a) There shall be two or more Trustees comprising members of the Party or Trust Corporation who shall be appointed by the Central Executive Committee and in whom any immovable property of the Party shall be vested,
(b) The Trustees or Trust Corporation so appointed hold office for such period as may be decided by the Central Executive Committee or until such time as such appointment is terminated by the Central Executive Committee by notice in writing to the Trustees or Trust Corporation concerned. Where by reason of the above, it shall appear necessary to the Central Executive Committee to appoint new Trustee or Trustees or Trust Corporation, the Central Executive Committee shall by resolution nominate the person or persons or Trust Corporation to be appointed the new Trustee or Trustees. For the purpose of giving effect to such nomination, the Chairman and Secretary-General of the Party are hereby nominated as the persons to formally appoint new Trustees of the Party within the meaning of S. 40 of the Trustees Act (Cap. 40) and they shall by deed duly appoint the person or persons or Trust Corporation so nominated by the Central Executive Committee as the new Trustee or Trustees of the Party and the provisions of the Trustees Act (Cap. 40) shall apply to any such appointment.
(c) The Trustees or Trust Corporation shall be indemnified by the Party against any costs Incurred or damage suffered in the proper or reasonable discharge of their duties in addition to any indemnity given by law to Trustees.
The People’s Action Party (PAP) is a political party formed in 1954 by a group of committed Singaporeans to fight for the country’s independence from the British and to improve the well being of the people.
It was first led by Mr Lee Kuan Yew as the party’s Secretary-General, and the PAP’s policy of multi-racialism and equality has ever since brought progress and prosperity to Singapore.
The party is currently led by Mr Lawrence Wong, who succeeded Mr Lee Hsien Loong as Secretary-General in 2024.
1. Amendments to the Constitution shall only be made at the Ordinary Party Conference.
2. The proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be sent in writing to the Secretary-General at least 14 days before the Ordinary Party Conference.
3. The proposed amendments shall be circulated to cadre members at least 7 days before the Ordinary Party Conference.
4. Any resolution proposing the repeal, addition to or amendments of any of these Articles at any Party Conference shall be null and void, unless a majority of the cadre members present and voting, vote in favour of such resolution.
1. No motion or amendment shall be spoken to by any person except the mover until it has been seconded.
2. To any question, any number of amendments may be moved.
3. Not more than one amendment shall be before the meeting at one time. When an amendment has been moved, members shall speak for or against the amendment and any member may indicate the terms of an amendment he may desire to move later should the amendment under discussion be defeated, but he may not move this further amendment until the amendment under discussion has been disposed of.
4. An amendment which directly negatives the motion under discussion shall not be accepted.
5. An amendment upon being carried shall be submitted as the substantive motion when it shall be competent for any member to propose a further amendment to it.
6. Any member who has not spoken on a motion before the meeting may move “That the meeting proceed to the next business” or “That the motion be now put” on the seconding of which the Chairman shall, without discussion, immediately put this motion to the vote.
7. When the Chairman is standing no other member shall at the same time stand or speak.
8. Notices of motions other than those of a formal character shall be submitted to the Chairman in writing.
1. The Financial Year of the Party shall commence on the 1st of January and end on the 31st of December. Within three months after the end of a term of office, the Central Executive Committee shall call the Ordinary Party Conference and shall submit to it a Report with a financial statement and the duly audited accounts of the Party during its term of office.
2. The Accounts of the Party shall be audited by an Auditor or two Honorary Auditors who shall certify the correctness of the Statement of Accounts to be submitted to the Ordinary Party Conference. The Auditor or Honorary Auditors shall be appointed at the Ordinary Party Conference.
3. No member shall except for professional services rendered at the request of the Central Executive Committee, receive any profit, salary or emolument from the funds or transactions of the Party,
4. Every member shall faithfully and fully abide by every decision made by the Party Conference or by the Central Executive Committee until such time as the decision is amended or revoked.
5. Only the Chairman or the Secretary-General of the Party or such other persons authorised by the Secretary-General can issue any statement to the Press in the name of the Party.
6. The Central Executive Committee shall have the power to use at its discretion the funds of the Party or moneys collected by donations from members to compensate a member of the Party who has suffered any loss or injury as a direct result of activity carried out for the Party.
Disclaimer: The Constitution is an important and sacred document. To convert the Constitution to its electronic version, it was first scanned and then optical-read. Spell-checks using word-processor software and HTML converter were performed twice to minimise OCR and typo errors. Next, we proof-read it. All reasonable care has been taken to ensure accuracy. If there is any error, it is purely unintentional and we are not liable for any misrepresentation. We also hope you would inform us of the error so that we can make the necessary correction.
PAP Manifesto (2020)
To find out more, download our Party Manifesto.