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05 Mar 2020 < 1 min read

People’s Action Party’s youth wing, Young PAP (YP) has developed its position paper – Singapore: A Green Hub. This paper was done after a series of engagements with climate change experts, activists, and environment researchers. It contains recommendations to advance Singapore’s efforts on the mitigation of climate change and its effects.

A focus group discussion was conducted on 8 February 2020 with 16 representatives of climate change groups to deliberate what can be done to further Singapore’s efforts in fighting climate change. A second focus group discussion was conducted on 29 February 2020 with 60 YP activists to further discuss the proposals from the draft working paper.

This paper also makes policy recommendations that will allow Singapore to pursue green causes and maintain its status as an economically and socially vibrant global city.

The paper outlines six key areas for improvement in Singapore’s sustainability landscape, namely:

  1. Financial incentives to support enterprises and reduce energy consumption,
  2. Legislation, regulation, and sector specific reporting,
  3. Driving behavioural change,
  4. Multi-stakeholder cooperation on climate resilience,
  5. Sustainable urban development, and
  6. Managing and using data responsibly.

Several Members of Parliament (MPs) have lent their support to the paper, including Mr Louis Ng, Mr Seah Kian Peng, Ms Cheng Li Hui, Mdm Rahayu Mahzam and Ms Cheryl Chan. They have filed a series of 24 budget cuts and parliamentary questions related to the issues in the paper, during the Committee of Supply Debates.

YP will be conducting another series of engagements with various industrial and non-profit organizations in March 2020, to get their views on Singapore’s existing efforts on climate change.

Read the paper Singapore: A Green Hub

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