Speaking to activists at the Young PAP bi-monthly meeting, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, Mr Baey Yam Keng emphasised that social media is a neutral platform which allows the PAP to reach out to people very quickly – if used effectively.
Sharing his experience and thoughts with the participants, Mr Baey pointed out that a lot of good work is done by the branches, relevant agencies, as well as MPs and volunteers, and it is useful to share this with Singaporeans and the online crowd.
In addition to work, many Singaporeans want to know more about their MPs, and this is where a personal dimension helps to build an image and impression. And this is where authenticity comes in.
Key points and thoughts should be distilled because that’s what people want to know, says Mr Amrin Amin, Parliamentary Secretary at the ministries of Home Affairs and Health. He also shared his considerations when he shares his photos, making sure they are inclusive and engaging.
Social media requires team work and thought, and also a pinch of salt and not to be totally distracted when it comes to “hostile” responses, said DrJanil Puthucheary, so it is important to think and operate strategically.
Dr Janil, who is also the Senior Minister of State for Education and Communications and Information, also took the opportunity to share the insights surrounding the Parliamentary Select Committee on Deliberate Fake News.