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Write a greater Singapore Story together: PM Lee

01 Feb 2019 < 1 min read

Singapore is always a work in progress and it is every generation’s duty to keep on building, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the launch of Singapore’s bicentennial celebrations on 28 January 2019.

In his speech, PM Lee set out the milestones in the Singapore story that goes back 700 years. He added how 1819 marked the beginning of a modern, outward-looking and multicultural Singapore.

PM Lee also recounted how Singapore’s forefathers toiled with blood, sweat and tears to build better lives for themselves, and a brighter tomorrow for their children. “In the process, they formed communities and organised themselves to help one another. Ethnic groups to provide mutual support and community leadership, like the Chinese clans and the Eurasian Association,” he said.

Over the two centuries, PM Lee said all these different strands have woven together into a rich tapestry – a shared sense of destiny, and eventually a Singapore identity and nation. “Today, we sing “Majulah Singapura” with one voice, and recite the National Pledge with conviction and pride,” PM Lee said.

As Singaporeans mark the nation’s bicentennial year, PM Lee urged Singaporeans to reflect on how Singapore came to be and think how the nation can move forward together. “For we are never done building Singapore. It is every generation’s duty to keep on building, for our children, and for our future,” PM Lee said.

Singapore Bicentennial: Why 1819 is worth commemorating

Here is my speech launching the Singapore Bicentennial on Monday. I explained why 1819 was a crucial turning point in our history, and why our bicentennial is worth commemorating.We became an independent republic in 1965, but our history stretches back much longer. Without that broader historical experience, 1965 would not have happened, and Singapore today would certainly be a very different place. – LHL#SGBicentennial (PMO Video by Alex Qiu and Chiez How / Photo credits: National Archives of Singapore, Singapore Press Holdings Limited, Ministry of Communications and Information, PM Lee Hsien Loong)

Posted by Lee Hsien Loong on Thursday, 31 January 2019